Resume Project

I always wanted to work on a Resume Project. The idea was to create a web-site where I would write all my resume stuff and host it. I could even share it to recruiters if I am to search for a job. But Like every good things I wanted to do, I couldn’t do them without obstacles.

The Obstacles for me in this project was my lack of time and a lot of familiarity with front end stuff. I am a backend developer. And while I have worked on front-end applications, my UX design skills are not so great. At least they take a lot of work and time. And even if I learn some new technologies on this project, those are not likely to be used in the near future because I am a backend developer and that’s what I work on in a day to day basis.

So, here comes the solution. In my college days, I did a project where I learnt, in a great depth, how to use the CMS websites. for example WordPress. And I always has a wordpress setup in my every PC that I had. I recently found a plugin in wordpress that could export all the contents into a static site. So, I don’t have to host an online database and this would save me a lot of money.

Here we go. And that’s what made this project Possible.